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Discipline & Conflict Management

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Image of The Anti-Bullying And Teasing Book For Preschool Classrooms
The Anti-Bullying And Teasing Book For Preschool Classrooms
Item: 60340
Status: In Stock
Over 40 activities that focus on controlling teasing and bullying with friendship, community, and expressing feelings. Use these activities, the classroom environment, and family involvement to create a climate of mutual respect in the classroom. 128 pages.
Image of Push Past It! A Positive Approach to Challenging Classroom Behaviors
Push Past It! A Positive Approach to Challenging Classroom Behaviors
Item: 99625
Status: In Stock
Resource books often provide tips and tricks for managing challenging behaviors, but what happens when those tactics don't work? Most teachers give up. This book brings a raw, real, and at times funny approach to handling challenging behaviors and understanding why most behavior-management strategies don't work. Author Angela Searcy shares real-world examples, proven solutions, and new approaches to overcoming classroom disruptions using her PUSH PAST IT approach. Paperback. 176 pages.
Image of Reaching and Teaching Children Exposed to Trauma
Reaching and Teaching Children Exposed to Trauma
Item: 72303
Status: In Stock
As an early childhood professional, you play a key role in the early identification of maltreatment and unhealthy patterns of development. You are also the gateway to healing. In Reaching and Teaching Children Exposed to Trauma, you will find the tools and strategies to connect with harmed children and start them on the path to healing.
Image of Sanity Savers
Sanity Savers
Item: 61273
Status: In Stock
200 quick fixes for everything from big messes to small budgets, from clean up solutions to storage ideas to help with cost saving strategies, and everything in between. Solve everyday problems, giving you more time to teach and enjoy the children in your classroom. 160 pages.
Image of Developing and Implementing Effective Discipline Policies
Developing and Implementing Effective Discipline Policies
Item: 300139
Status: In Stock
Learn how to rethink discipline policies, strengthen team spirit, and implement policy changes with Developing and Implementing Effective Discipline Policies, the workbook companion to the award-winning book Effective Discipline Policies. Written for early childhood administrators and principals, trainers, coaches, and consultants, this book can help guide your policies to success! Using the five-step model, discover how to use the data gained from the unique Teaching and Guidance Policy Essentials… More »
Image of Effective Discipline Policies: How to Create a System that Support Young Children's Social-Emotional Competence
Effective Discipline Policies: How to Create a System that Support Young Children's Social-Emotional Competence
Item: 90589
Status: In Stock
Challenging behaviors can derail an early childhood classroom, and punishment and exclusion aren't the answer. Young children need support and instruction to help them learn how to cooperate, listen, share, interact positively with their peers and with adults. Where to start? Effective Discipline Policies will be your go-to resource. Craft a developmentally appropriate, consistent, effective behavioral guidance policy. Create a system that supports young children's social-emotional competence. Provide… More »
Image of When Nothing Else Works
When Nothing Else Works
Item: 27687
Status: In Stock
Research shows that children do not outgrow challenging behavior, making early intervention essential. But what can early childhood educators do to reduce challenging behaviors when nothing seems to work? From aromatherapy to affirmations,'When Nothing Else Works' is filled with creative strategies and techniques to address and adjust problematic behavior in the classroom while also promoting resilience and active engagement in learning. Written from the perspective of an experienced school development… More »