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Assessments & Evaluations

Having a solid picture of individual children's progress makes it easier to focus your observations and to consider the whole child. Kaplan offers a variety of evaluation and assessment materials to help early childhood educators, mental health professionals, and families gather the data needed to plan learning experiences, evaluate program goals, and promote young children's social and emotional development.

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Image of Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale®, Revised (ITERS-R™)
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale®, Revised (ITERS-R™)
Item: 10308
Status: In Stock
This revised version offers practical assistance in the form of Notes for Clarification and an Expanded Score Sheet to simplify scoring. The items and indicators are the same as in the original version. Assess the quality of infant and toddler classrooms and enhance program development with charts detailing levels of quality from inadequate to excellent. Explanatory notes appear on facing pages. Scoring sheets and ITERS-R™ Profile included.
Image of Early Learning Accomplishment Profile - E-LAP™ - Kit
Early Learning Accomplishment Profile - E-LAP™ - Kit
Item: 13649
Status: Temporarily Out of Stock
Birth - 36 months. A criterion-referenced instrument measuring development in 6 domains. E-LAP™ is appropriate for all children, including those with disabilities. The instrument is excellent for Early Head Start Programs and effective for communicating and collaborating with parents about their children's progress. Includes scoring sheets appropriate for summarizing results 3 times each year. Kit includes materials necessary for assessing 20 children. Additional manuals and scoring books available. Contents may vary.
Image of LAP™-3 Kit
LAP™-3 Kit
Item: 10568
Status: In Stock
The Learning Accomplishment Profile Third Edition (LAP™-3) provides a systematic method for observing the skill development of any child functioning in the 36 to 72 month age range, including children with disabilities. The LAP™-3 Kit contains most materials necessary for assessing 20 children. Includes scoring sheets for summarizing results 3 times in one year.
Image of LAP™-D 3rd Edition Kit
LAP™-D 3rd Edition Kit
Item: 11952
Status: In Stock
The Learning Accomplishment Profile -- Diagnostic (LAP™-D), Third Edition, Dual Language (English-Spanish) provides a systematic method for observing children functioning in the 30 to 72 month age range. This assessment is designed for children with typical and atypical development. The LAP™-D Kit contains a standardized set of the materials necessary to administer each item (except stairs and chairs).
Image of LAP™-D Screen Kits - Age 3, 4, and 5
LAP™-D Screen Kits - Age 3, 4, and 5
Item: 13699P
Status: In Stock
A first step in the assessment process. LAP™-D Screens are designed to identify potential development delays. Contains the most reliable indicators of a child's development.
Image of DECA Early Childhood Assessment for Infants/Toddlers - DECA-I/T - Kit
DECA Early Childhood Assessment for Infants/Toddlers - DECA-I/T - Kit
Item: 16139
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Infants and Toddlers is a premier tool for assessing protective factors and screening for potential risks in the social and emotional development of very young children. It includes 50 record forms (20 Infant and 30 Toddler), Strategies Guide, User Guide, Set of 5 reproducible Parent Teacher Masters, 20 Parent Strategy Guides (For Now & Forever), 3 Adult Resilience Journals (Building Your Bounce) and Forms CD. This assessment is standardized, norm-referenced,… More »
Image of DECA-I/T Infant Record Forms
DECA-I/T Infant Record Forms
Item: 13844P
Status: In Stock
For use with DECA-IT kit for children ages 1 month up to 18 months. Available in English or Spanish. Set of 20.
Image of DECA-I/T Toddler Record Forms
DECA-I/T Toddler Record Forms
Item: 13845P
Status: In Stock
For use with DECA-IT kit for children ages 18 months up to 36 months. Set of 30.
Image of DECA-I/T User's Guide
DECA-I/T User's Guide
Item: 13846
Status: In Stock
User's Guide for the DECA-IT kit. © 2007
Image of DECA-I/T Strategies Guide
DECA-I/T Strategies Guide
Item: 16138
Status: In Stock
This guide provides research-based, simple, easy to use social and emotional strategies for the home and child care setting. Included are reproducible forms and checklists to help programs reflect on overall social and emotional quality of early care and education settings.
Image of DECA-I/T Parent/Teacher Profile Masters - Set of 5
DECA-I/T Parent/Teacher Profile Masters - Set of 5
Item: 14016
Status: In Stock
For use with DECA-IT kit. Includes 4 infant and 1 toddler parent/teacher profile masters.
Image of Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You - 2nd Edition
Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You - 2nd Edition
Item: 29023
Status: In Stock
Uncover simple strategies that will help you bounce back from life's ups and downs! The book contains a 23-item reflective checklist designed to help you gain valuable insights about your personal strengths. As you reflect on your strengths, the journal will help you establish goals and uncover strategies that will strengthen your relationships, increase initiative, support internal beliefs, and maintain self-control. In today's world, we all face risk. Spend time offsetting that risk by reflecting… More »
Image of Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever - Infant/Toddler - Set of 20
Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever - Infant/Toddler - Set of 20
Item: 28684P
Status: In Stock
"Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever: A Family Guide for Supporting the Social and Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers", Second Edition supports families in understanding what social and emotional health of infants and toddlers is, how to recognize key behaviors, and how to support children's social/emotional health in the home setting in simple ways every day. Set of 20. Available in English and Spanish.
Image of Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Preschool Program, 2nd Edition (DECA-P2)
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Preschool Program, 2nd Edition (DECA-P2)
Item: 29026
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA) Preschool Program, 2nd Edition, is a strength-based assessment and planning system designed to promote resilience in children ages 3 through 5. The kit includes the nationally standardized, strength-based assessment (DECA-P2), along with strategy guides for early childhood educators and families. The DECA-P2 Preschool Program kit includes: DECA-P2 Record Forms (set of 40); DECA-P2 User's Guide and Technical Manual; Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers:… More »
Image of DECA-P2 Record Forms
DECA-P2 Record Forms
Item: 29025P
Status: In Stock
The DECA-P2 Record Forms are strength-based, nationally standardized, reliable, valid, and easy-to-use! These sets includes 40 assessment forms and a pad of 40 individual child profile forms. Sets available in English or Spanish.
Image of DECA-P2 User's Guide and Technical Manual
DECA-P2 User's Guide and Technical Manual
Item: 29022
Status: In Stock
This guide provides early childhood professionals with the directions they need to use and interpret results of the DECA-P2. The manual also provides research information related to the development and standardization of the DECA-P2, including information about the instrument's reliability and validity. © 2012
Image of Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers (Strategy Guide), 2nd Edition
Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers (Strategy Guide), 2nd Edition
Item: 29021
Status: In Stock
This strategy guide for early childhood professionals includes hundreds of research-based strategies and tips to strengthen young children's initiative, self-regulation, and attachment/relationships. The strategies incorporate developmentally appropriate teaching practices in five areas related to social and emotional health: Daily Routines; Environment; Caring Connections; Activities and Experiences; Partnerships between Teachers and Families. It takes readers through a simple five-step approach… More »
Image of Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever - Preschool, 2nd Edition - Set of 20
Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever - Preschool, 2nd Edition - Set of 20
Item: 26173P
Status: In Stock
These guides offer families simple strategies to support young children's healthy social and emotional development. Filled with suggestions of everyday activities that families can enjoy together and promote three key protective factors: initiative, self-regulation, and attachment/relationships. Booklets (40 pages) are available in English or Spanish in sets of 20. Copyright 2013.
Image of DESSA Kit
Item: 27951
Status: In Stock
Grades K - 8. The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) is a behavior rating scale completed by parents, teachers, and after school staff, which assesses skills related to social-emotional competence, resilience, and academic success. The DESSA kit includes the manual, norms reference card, and 25 hand-scorable paper record forms in a vinyl portfolio. The DESSA Scoring Assistant program provides on-line administration, scoring, and interpretation. A classroom/group profile, which identifies… More »
Image of Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical - DECA-C - Kit
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical - DECA-C - Kit
Item: 98817
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical Form (DECA-C) is designed to be used by early childhood mental health consultants and other mental health professionals with select children, ages 2 through 5, who are already showing significant behavioral concerns. The DECA-C is a 62-item scale that can be completed by either teachers or parents in about 15 minutes. The DECA-C contains all of the strength-based resilience items and scales found on the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers,… More »
Image of FLIP IT!® Transforming Challenging Behavior - Paperback
FLIP IT!® Transforming Challenging Behavior - Paperback
Item: 22603
Status: In Stock
This informative book by Rachel Wagner, MSW, in partnership with the Devereux Center for Resilient Children, is designed to support all adults who interact with young children. It explains FLIP IT's four simple steps for transforming challenging behavior in young children: F - Feelings, L - Limits, I - Inquiries, P - Prompts. Teachers and parents can help children learn about their feelings and gain self-control by using that mnemonic. Learn to FLIP IT with the book's practice pictures, reflection… More »
Image of ASQ-3™ Starter Kit
ASQ-3™ Starter Kit
Item: 15485P
Status: In Stock
Everything you need to start screening children with ASQ-3™. This Starter Kit is part of ASQ-3™, the bestselling screener trusted for more than 20 years to pinpoint delays as early as possible during the crucial first 5 years of life. ASQ-3™ questionnaires are reliable and valid, parent-completed, cost effective, recommended by top organizations, and easy to administer and score. The 21 age-appropriate questionnaires effectively screen five key developmental areas: communication,… More »
Image of ASQ-3™ Questionnaire
ASQ-3™ Questionnaire
Item: 15481P
Status: In Stock
Now enhanced and updated based on extensive user feedback and a NEW unparalleled research sample of more than 12,000 children, ASQ-3™ is the most accurate, cost-effective, and parent-friendly way to identify children from one month to 5 1/2 years with developmental delays.
Image of ASQ-3™ Users Guide
ASQ-3™ Users Guide
Item: 15483
Status: In Stock
Absolutely essential to using ASQ-3™, this revised and redesigned guide provides step-by-step guidance on administering and scoring the questionnaires, setting up a screening system, working with families effectively, and using ASQ-3™ across a wide range of settings.