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Social & Emotional

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Image of Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever - Preschool, 2nd Edition - Set of 20
Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever - Preschool, 2nd Edition - Set of 20
Item: 26173P
Status: In Stock
These guides offer families simple strategies to support young children's healthy social and emotional development. Filled with suggestions of everyday activities that families can enjoy together and promote three key protective factors: initiative, self-regulation, and attachment/relationships. Booklets (40 pages) are available in English or Spanish in sets of 20. Copyright 2013.
Image of DECA-P2 Record Forms
DECA-P2 Record Forms
Item: 29025P
Status: In Stock
The DECA-P2 Record Forms are strength-based, nationally standardized, reliable, valid, and easy-to-use! These sets includes 40 assessment forms and a pad of 40 individual child profile forms. Sets available in English or Spanish.
Image of Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical - DECA-C - Kit
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical - DECA-C - Kit
Item: 98817
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical Form (DECA-C) is designed to be used by early childhood mental health consultants and other mental health professionals with select children, ages 2 through 5, who are already showing significant behavioral concerns. The DECA-C is a 62-item scale that can be completed by either teachers or parents in about 15 minutes. The DECA-C contains all of the strength-based resilience items and scales found on the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers,… More »
Image of Your Journey Together Resilience-Building Parenting Curriculum
Your Journey Together Resilience-Building Parenting Curriculum
Item: 74489
Status: In Stock
Your Journey Together (YJT) is a strength-based curriculum designed to promote the social and emotional well-being and resilience of vulnerable children and their families. It focuses on empowering parents to promote safe, trusting and healing environments - all key elements of a trauma-sensitive program. While this resilience-building parenting curriculum is designed for families with young children (infants, toddlers, preschoolers) many of the concepts apply to families with children of all… More »
Image of The Kid's Guide to Service Projects
The Kid's Guide to Service Projects
Item: 27949
Status: In Stock
This book contains hundreds of up-to-date service projects and ideas presented in an engaging, kid-friendly format and it has something for everyone who wants to make a difference. Features and benefits include: over 500 service learning project ideas -- from simple to large scale, the "Ten Steps to Successful Service Projects", a new sections on Internet use and school service learning requirements, step-by-step instructions for creating flyers, petitions, press releases, and more. The… More »