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Image of Elevating Equity: Advice for Navigating Challenging Conversations in Early Childhood Programs
Elevating Equity: Advice for Navigating Challenging Conversations in Early Childhood Programs
Item: 300141
Status: In Stock
Elevating Equity requires educators to be mindful of how to include children, families, and colleagues in all parts of early childhood programming. Elevating equity is all about creating systems that celebrate everyone! Sounds great - but how do you do it? Elevating Equity: Advice for Navigating Challenging Conversations in Early Childhood Programs takes a positive approach by embracing differences and meeting readers where they are. Get nonjudgmental, practical advice from an experienced trainer… More »
Image of Don't Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms
Don't Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms
Item: 33461
Status: In Stock
Every day, 250 children are suspended from school. Many are children of color, deprived of opportunities to experience learning at the same rate and quality as white children. Many families don't feel heard or respected in their child's schools. Don't Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms leads early childhood professionals to explore and address issues of bias, equity, low expectations, and family engagement to ensure culturally responsive experiences. Importantly, this book will challenge… More »
Image of Each and Every Child: Teaching Preschool with an Equity Lens
Each and Every Child: Teaching Preschool with an Equity Lens
Item: 35849
Status: In Stock
This helpful teacher resource will guide you through creating an equitable environment for children ages 3 - 5. This book features a variety of topics that will help support conversations about identity, bias and preschool environment. Paperback. 160 pages.
Image of Spotlight on Young Children: Equity and Diversity
Spotlight on Young Children: Equity and Diversity
Item: 35848
Status: In Stock
In this resource book teachers will be able to evaluate bias within the classroom, learn how to have navigate different conversations with children and their families, and learn how to implement new policies to create a fair and equal environment. This book will help teachers, new and experienced, commit to making their classroom a more inclusive place for all children. Teachers will also be able to strengthen their teaching strategies, expand their curriculum and evaluate their classroom environment… More »
Image of The Power of Presence: A Guide to Mindfulness Practices in Early Childhood
The Power of Presence: A Guide to Mindfulness Practices in Early Childhood
Item: 34585
Status: In Stock
The Power of Presence: A Guide to Mindfulness Practices in Early Childhood offers insight and information to help you transform your teaching by learning how to pause, notice your surroundings, and simply be. Learn ways to spark joy, elevate well-being, and promote a deeper sense of inquiry, both personally and with others-young and old. Learn ways to consciously plant seeds of mindfulness at home, in the classroom, and around the world. Paperback. 112 pages.
Image of Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves - 2nd Edition
Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves - 2nd Edition
Item: 35404
Status: In Stock
This practical resource, now an expanded and updated second edition, is your guide to building a strong anti-bias program, including learning to know yourself. This title offers information on culture and language, racial identity, family structures, gender identity, economic class, different abilities, holidays, and more. 224 pages.
Image of Guidance for Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Education
Guidance for Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Education
Item: 37707
Status: In Stock
Based on census and population data, it is likely that one or more gender-expansive or LGBTQIA+ child is enrolled in every early education program in the country. Guidance for Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Education is a starting point--a primer--for early educators who are interested in learning more about working with and supporting young gender-diverse children and their families. With a focus on understanding children's gender development, this groundbreaking guide reflects… More »