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Early Literacy

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Image of Sight Word Toss Game
Sight Word Toss Game
Item: 301670
Status: In Stock
5 years and up. Cultivate key literacy development while having lots of fun with this Sight Word Toss game. In this game, each lily pad has a word on it. Players shout out a word from one of the lily pads and then throw their beanbag at that pad. If the bean bag lands on the pad, the player's team keeps the bean bag. Whoever has the most bean bags at the end wins!
Image of Little Minds at Work™ Science of Reading Essentials Toolkit
Little Minds at Work™ Science of Reading Essentials Toolkit
Item: 301668
Status: Temporarily Out of Stock
3 years and up. Provide a wide array of reading support with the Little Minds at Work™ Science of Reading Essentials Toolkit. Developed by Tara West--the author of the Little Minds at Work™ blog--this comprehensive kit will boost phonemic awareness through activities that emphasize word segmentation and word blending. Including cubes, blocks, and phonics cards, this kit furnishes educators with many tools that facilitate and encourage early literacy while also giving children a variety… More »