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Image of Creative Investigations in Early Art
Creative Investigations in Early Art
Item: 92918
Status: In Stock
While the visual and performing arts are powerful curricular companions to early STEM experiences, educators may not have the tools and resources to introduce art beyond painting and drawing. Creative Investigations in Early Art provides them with an inquisitive, explorative approach to boost young learners creativity and critical-thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills through artistic expression. Paperback. 112 pages.
Image of First Art for Toddlers and Twos: Open-Ended Art Experiences
First Art for Toddlers and Twos: Open-Ended Art Experiences
Item: 29004
Status: In Stock
Discover the natural curiosity and enthusiasm of toddlers and twos as they explore creative art experiences designed just for them. In this updated, color edition of First Art for Toddlers and Twos, you will find more than seventy-five art experiences, with lots of variations that add to the fun and tips for making the activities run smoothly. There's even a chapter of special adult-made props, such as an Art Baggie Book to display a child's artwork and a Tabletop Easel made from a pizza box to… More »
Image of Global Art: Activities Projects and Inventions from Around the World
Global Art: Activities Projects and Inventions from Around the World
Item: 42258
Status: In Stock
An ideal way to start children on an exciting, creative adventure towards global understanding! The fun, easy-to-do art activities in Global Art use collage, painting, drawing, printing, construction, and sculpture to help children appreciate people and cultures from all over the world. Each activity is explained in step-by-step detail and accompanied by geographic and cultural background to help you make the most of the teaching possibilities. Paperback. 190 pages.
Image of The Big Messy - But Easy to Clean Up - Art Book
The Big Messy - But Easy to Clean Up - Art Book
Item: 46271
Status: In Stock
Take your children beyond the ordinary and into the amazing world of art! Children will explore and create with activities such as hair dryer painting, lawn prints, and face and body paint recipes. Paperback. 132 pages.
Image of Primary Art
Primary Art
Item: 17249
Status: In Stock
With this book, teachers, parents, after-school caregivers, and anyone working with children will encourage creativity, promote the process of art exploration, and appreciate the significance of the resulting art. Each art experience has three parts; it is introduced by a simple activity, progresses to a more experienced level, and finishes with a more intricate primary art experience. Paperback.184 pages.
Image of Art with Anything: 52 Weeks of Fun Using Everyday Stuff
Art with Anything: 52 Weeks of Fun Using Everyday Stuff
Item: 18273
Status: In Stock
With 52 weeks of fantastic art projects using easy-to-find, everyday materials, this resource provides a year of creativity, imagination, and fun for children ages 4-10! Organized alphabetically by material, each week features one everyday material and provides five days of unique activities, increasing in complexity with each day. Paperback.