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New Sprouts® Fresh Fruit Salad For Pretend Play Snacks

New Sprouts® Fresh Fruit Salad For Pretend Play Snacks
New Sprouts® Fresh Fruit Salad For Pretend Play SnacksAlternate Image #2 of New Sprouts® Fresh Fruit Salad For Pretend Play Snacks Alternate Image #3 of New Sprouts® Fresh Fruit Salad For Pretend Play Snacks
Item: 31603
Status: In Stock

2 years & up. The perfect healthy addition to a pretend picnic or any occasion. The watermelon boat makes the perfect bowl for a delicious fruit salad. Fill with pineapple rings, berry clusters, strawberries, kiwi, and orange slices, and serve in big purple bowls for a rainbow of juicy goodness. Colorful variety of sliced and whole fruit, this special salad is a great addition to any play kitchen. Set of 18 includes three berry clusters, strawberries, kiwi slices, and orange slices, two pineapple rings, two serving bowls, a serving spoon, and a watermelon boat measuring approximately 8"L x 3"H.

Product Features

  • Encourage fine motor skills, vocabulary development and healthy eating habits with this fresh fruit salad set
  • This set contains a colorful variety of sliced and whole fruit including a watermelon boat that measures 8"long x 3" high
  • Set of 18 plastic pieces are soft and durable for long-lasting fun
  • This play food is great for dramatic play, pretend meals and recognition of colors and fruit varieties
  • Age 2 years and up

No bananas!

3 stars
I was ready to buy this set but I don't see a banana as one of the fruit. I am disappointed as this is the first fruit for many little ones. Too bad, if this is so.

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