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Transparent Animal X-Rays and Pictures

Transparent Animal X-Rays and Pictures
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Item: 24237
Status: In Stock
Minority and Woman Owned Business

4 years & up. Real animal x-rays printed on durable transparent plastic are great for years of use on light tables, overhead projectors, and white surfaces. Study the interior structure of several mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds. Examine the picture cards with the x-rays. These highly detailed photographs match the animal x-rays. Lay the x-ray over the photograph to see how the skeletal system supports the body of each animal. Includes 14 x-rays, 14 picture cards, and a teacher guide. X-rays and cards measure up to 8" x 10".

X-Rays and Picture Cards Include the Following Animals:

  1. Common Marmoset - A small tree-dwelling mammal found in the tropical rainforests of South America
  2. Pumpkinseed Sunfish - They live in weedy, warm water areas such as Lake Erie and the Ohio River
  3. European Rabbit - They live underground in very large colonies
  4. Frontosa Cichlid - This colorful fish lives in the deep waters of Lake Tanganyika in Africa
  5. Infant Kangaroo - A baby kangaroo is called a Joey
  6. Green Tree Python - They are found in New Guinea and Cape York Peninsula of Australia
  7. Western Diamondback Rattlesnake - They hide in the burrows and are often seen on rocks
  8. Box Turtle - This land-dwelling reptile prefers fields and forests
  9. Infant Green Iguana - This reptile will grow between 4 and 6 feet
  10. Red-Tailed Hawk - Their eyesight is 8 times as powerful as a human
  11. Dwarf Crocodile Eggs - The crocklets (babies) can chirp to their mother from inside the egg
  12. Turkey Vulture - Their wingspan can reach 6 feet long
  13. Veiled Chameleon - This slow-moving lizard can tolerate extreme temperatures and levels of humidity
  14. Leaf Frog - They are brown and resemble a leaf, helping them to blend into the leaves on the ground

Product Features

  • Study the interior structure of different species
  • Encourages scientific exploration
  • X-rays are highly detailed, show how the skeletal system supports different body types
  • Super way to teach how animal's bodies work

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5 stars
My student who loves x- rays enjoys looking at the different types of animals.

Great x-rays for your students!

5 stars
These x-rays are a super way to teach about how animal's bodies work, how transparency works, and tracing techniques as well. I highly recommend this collection of animals as well as the other x-ray packs that are available.

Animal X-rays

5 stars
I have been running a licensed child care for 24 years. I recently purchased the animal x-rays. My children love them. They are high quality and very sturdy!

X rays

5 stars
These look great posted in windows for reference or atmosphere. They also stand up well to lots of little hands and passing around. The x rays are accurate enough to teach but not too scary for preschoolers.

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