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Curriculum & Assessment

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Image of Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You - 2nd Edition
Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You - 2nd Edition
Item: 29023
Status: In Stock
Uncover simple strategies that will help you bounce back from life's ups and downs! The book contains a 23-item reflective checklist designed to help you gain valuable insights about your personal strengths. As you reflect on your strengths, the journal will help you establish goals and uncover strategies that will strengthen your relationships, increase initiative, support internal beliefs, and maintain self-control. In today's world, we all face risk. Spend time offsetting that risk by reflecting… More »
Image of FLIP IT!® Transforming Challenging Behavior - Paperback
FLIP IT!® Transforming Challenging Behavior - Paperback
Item: 22603
Status: In Stock
This informative book by Rachel Wagner, MSW, in partnership with the Devereux Center for Resilient Children, is designed to support all adults who interact with young children. It explains FLIP IT's four simple steps for transforming challenging behavior in young children: F - Feelings, L - Limits, I - Inquiries, P - Prompts. Teachers and parents can help children learn about their feelings and gain self-control by using that mnemonic. Learn to FLIP IT with the book's practice pictures, reflection… More »
Image of CLASS® Score Sheets - PreK Forms - Set of 10 - Spanish
CLASS® Score Sheets - PreK Forms - Set of 10 - Spanish
Item: 29059
Status: In Stock
Available in packages of 10 booklets, each with 6 observation sheets and 1 scoring summary sheet, these are Spanish forms for conducting the Classroom Assessment Scoring System® (CLASS® ) observation. These forms are a part of CLASS®, the bestselling classroom observational tool that measures interactions between children and teachers -- a primary ingredient of high-quality early educational experiences. With versions for toddler programs, PreK, and K-3 classrooms, the reliable and valid… More »
Image of DESSA-mini Kit
DESSA-mini Kit
Item: 27952
Status: In Stock
Grades K-8. The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment Mini (DESSA-mini) is a series of four, equivalent, 8-item behavior rating scales accompanied by an innovative Ongoing Progress Monitoring Form. The DESSA-mini can be used to screen for and monitor progress in the acquisition of social-emotional competencies. The DESSA-mini can be completed by teachers or staff at schools and child-serving agencies, including after-school, social service, and mental health programs. Includes: DESSA-mini manual;… More »
Image of DECA-P2 User's Guide and Technical Manual
DECA-P2 User's Guide and Technical Manual
Item: 29022
Status: In Stock
This guide provides early childhood professionals with the directions they need to use and interpret results of the DECA-P2. The manual also provides research information related to the development and standardization of the DECA-P2, including information about the instrument's reliability and validity. © 2012
Image of CLASS® Score Sheets - PreK-Third Grade Forms - Set of 5 - English
CLASS® Score Sheets - PreK-Third Grade Forms - Set of 5 - English
Item: 87616
Status: In Stock
Available in packages of 5 booklets, each with 6 observation sheets and 1 scoring summary sheet, these are the forms needed to conduct the Classroom Assessment Scoring System® (CLASS® ) observation. These forms are a part of CLASS®, the bestselling classroom observational tool that measures interactions between children and teachers -- a primary ingredient of high-quality early educational experiences. With versions for toddler programs, PreK (in English and Spanish), and K-3 classrooms,… More »
Image of Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers (Strategy Guide), 2nd Edition
Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers (Strategy Guide), 2nd Edition
Item: 29021
Status: In Stock
This strategy guide for early childhood professionals includes hundreds of research-based strategies and tips to strengthen young children's initiative, self-regulation, and attachment/relationships. The strategies incorporate developmentally appropriate teaching practices in five areas related to social and emotional health: Daily Routines; Environment; Caring Connections; Activities and Experiences; Partnerships between Teachers and Families. It takes readers through a simple five-step approach… More »
Image of 10 Best Practices for Developing Book Experiences for Dual Language Learners
10 Best Practices for Developing Book Experiences for Dual Language Learners
Item: 27867
Status: In Stock
The strategies in this guide are based on stages of language learning and include ways to differentiate instruction, engage children in higher-level thinking, strengthen their use of newly learned language, and support their language progression and development.
Image of Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Preschool Program, 2nd Edition (DECA-P2)
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Preschool Program, 2nd Edition (DECA-P2)
Item: 29026
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA) Preschool Program, 2nd Edition, is a strength-based assessment and planning system designed to promote resilience in children ages 3 through 5. The kit includes the nationally standardized, strength-based assessment (DECA-P2), along with strategy guides for early childhood educators and families. The DECA-P2 Preschool Program kit includes: DECA-P2 Record Forms (set of 40); DECA-P2 User's Guide and Technical Manual; Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers:… More »
Image of CLASS® Manual - Grades K-3 - English
CLASS® Manual - Grades K-3 - English
Item: 15911
Status: In Stock
Effective teacher-student interactions are a primary ingredient of high-quality early educational experiences. With the popular CLASS® observational tool, schools can accurately assess classroom quality in K-3 classrooms based on teacher-student interactions rather than the physical environment or a specific curriculum. Spiral-bound. 128 pages.
Image of CLASS® Dimensions Guide - K-3 - English
CLASS® Dimensions Guide - K-3 - English
Item: 29057
Status: In Stock
Introduce teachers to the 10 dimensions of the CLASS® K-3 tool with this concise quick-guide, which includes practical teaching tips for strengthening each of the areas assessed with the popular observational tool. This guide is used with the bestselling CLASS® observational tool that measures interactions between children and teachers -- a primary ingredient of high-quality early educational experiences. With versions for toddler programs and PreK and K-3 classrooms, the reliable and valid… More »
Image of Lead the Way: 24 Lessons in Leadership for After School Program Directors
Lead the Way: 24 Lessons in Leadership for After School Program Directors
Item: 27924
Status: In Stock
"Lead the Way" provides short, self-guided overviews that both aspiring and practicing after school professionals need to thrive in their roles. The 24 fundamental insights and strategies can be used as professional development topics with after school program staff, laying the foundation for the program to recruit, retain, and grown effective leaders. Paperback. 120 pages.
Image of Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical - DECA-C - Kit
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical - DECA-C - Kit
Item: 98817
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical Form (DECA-C) is designed to be used by early childhood mental health consultants and other mental health professionals with select children, ages 2 through 5, who are already showing significant behavioral concerns. The DECA-C is a 62-item scale that can be completed by either teachers or parents in about 15 minutes. The DECA-C contains all of the strength-based resilience items and scales found on the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers,… More »
Image of Your Journey Together Resilience-Building Parenting Curriculum
Your Journey Together Resilience-Building Parenting Curriculum
Item: 74489
Status: In Stock
Your Journey Together (YJT) is a strength-based curriculum designed to promote the social and emotional well-being and resilience of vulnerable children and their families. It focuses on empowering parents to promote safe, trusting and healing environments - all key elements of a trauma-sensitive program. While this resilience-building parenting curriculum is designed for families with young children (infants, toddlers, preschoolers) many of the concepts apply to families with children of all… More »
Image of DESSA Kit
Item: 27951
Status: In Stock
Grades K - 8. The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) is a behavior rating scale completed by parents, teachers, and after school staff, which assesses skills related to social-emotional competence, resilience, and academic success. The DESSA kit includes the manual, norms reference card, and 25 hand-scorable paper record forms in a vinyl portfolio. The DESSA Scoring Assistant program provides on-line administration, scoring, and interpretation. A classroom/group profile, which identifies… More »
Image of Creative Investigations in Early Math
Creative Investigations in Early Math
Item: 88401
Status: In Stock
Math crops up in everyday activities in so many ways. You can help preschoolers see math in the petals of a flower, the shape of a window, the bounce of a ball, the growth of a plant, and the repetition of a song. Instead of teaching math to preschoolers, you can be their guide as they experiment, think about problems, try solutions, gain understanding, and discuss their findings. With your guidance, preschoolers can figure out how the world of mathematics works and how math works in their world. Paperback. 104 pages.
Image of Teaching Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Teaching Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Item: 72308
Status: In Stock
"Teaching Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder" is a straightforward, easy-to-understand guide to working with children who have autism. It explains the major characteristics associated with autism and helps teachers understand the ways children with autism relate to the world. Each chapter offers specific strategies for teachers to use, including setting up a proactive preschool environment, helping children learn life skills, managing behavior, helping children with autism communicate,… More »
Image of Reaching and Teaching Children Exposed to Trauma
Reaching and Teaching Children Exposed to Trauma
Item: 72303
Status: In Stock
As an early childhood professional, you play a key role in the early identification of maltreatment and unhealthy patterns of development. You are also the gateway to healing. In Reaching and Teaching Children Exposed to Trauma, you will find the tools and strategies to connect with harmed children and start them on the path to healing.
Image of Vocabulary Home Literacy Cards - Pack of 10 - English
Vocabulary Home Literacy Cards - Pack of 10 - English
Item: 14376
Status: In Stock
Grades K - 5. Reinforcement at home is proven to speed up a child's learning. These home literacy cards are great to use during parent conferences and can be used with any children's book. Once parents understand the vocabulary strategies that will help their children read, learning can be extended beyond the classroom. Each card is 5.5" X 9.75." Set of 10. English.
Image of DESSA-mini Progress Monitoring Form
DESSA-mini Progress Monitoring Form
Item: 27960
Status: In Stock
Pad of (25) 8-item form.
Image of DESSA Norms Reference Card
DESSA Norms Reference Card
Item: 16143
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) is a 72-item, standardized,norm-referenced behavior rating scale that assesses the social-emotional competencies that serve as protective factors for children in kindergarten through the eighth grade. Standard scores can be used to calibrate each child's competence in each of the eight dimensions and guide school/program-wide, classwide, and individual strategies to promote those competencies. Nationally normed on 2,500 children, the DESSA continues… More »