18 months & up. The arctic animals in this set are detailed in texture, traits, and size. Children will enjoy learning about each of the animals through engaging, hands-on learning experiences. Each set comes with six animals and an activity guide. Animals are made of non-phthalates PVC. The figures represent animals that commonly live in the arctic:
Penguin - Penguins are fantastic swimmers. However, when they move on land, they either waddle, slide on their belly, or hop with two feet. Invite children to move like a penguin, either waddling, hopping with two feet, or both.
Walrus - Both male and female walruses have tusks with bristly whiskers around them. Using feathers or string, have children paint tusks and whiskers like the walrus has.
Orca Whale - Orca whales are superb swimmers and can often be seen ‘jumping’ up out of the water. At the water table, have children play with the orca in the water making the whale swim and jump.
Arctic Fox - The arctic fox will often move slow and steady and will curl into a ball shape to keep warm.
Play rhythmic music and pretend to walk slow and steady like a fox in the snow or ice. When the music stops, have children curl into a ball shape.
Polar Bear - A male polar bear is a very large animal, typically weighing over 1,000 pounds.
Children can use clay or dough to make animal prints. Have them put the dough on the table and have each of the animals ‘step’ (imagining how big a large bear’s prints would be) in the dough to leave their footprints.
Seal - Seals make many noises including: barks, grunts, rasps, rattles, growls, creaks, warbles, trills, chirps, chugs, clicks and whistles. They are most well-known for their barking sounds. Ask children to make a barking sound in a variety of ways: loud, quiet, low, fast, etc.
Invite the children to move around like each of the arctic animals do: walk on all fours, pretend to swim, and flap their “flippers”.
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