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Resource Books

Kaplan offers resource kits for children, including those with disabilities. Products encourage infants and toddlers to explore and play while supplementing them with various developmental tools. Kaplan offers books, activity kits, DVDs, and infant games designed to keep parents aware of any developmental concerns.

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Image of Treasure Basket Explorations: Heuristic Learning for Infants and Toddlers
Treasure Basket Explorations: Heuristic Learning for Infants and Toddlers
Item: 74131
Status: In Stock
For the littlest learners, everything is an activity--feeling a rock, trying to lick a bubble, smelling a flower, or poking sand. In this book, teachers and caregivers of infants and toddlers will learn how these simple explorations support cognitive and vocabulary development. The book explains heuristic learning--discovery by trial and error--and how to encourage this type of learning to boost development. Through his explorations, the child is answering some fundamental questions: What is this… More »
Image of All About The ITERS-R™ - Book
All About The ITERS-R™ - Book
Item: 11647
Status: In Stock
This resource guide should be used with the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale®-revised edition. It explains why each item is important, what is needed to meet the requirements for all items, and how to score. Over 800 color photographs taken in child care settings are presented in this text of 465 pages. We have also developed a classroom list to correlate with ITERS-R™ (sold separately).
Image of The Best for Babies
The Best for Babies
Item: 28589
Status: In Stock
Caregiver-child interactions are critically important in promoting cognitive, language, and social-emotional learning in young children. With examples and detailed explanations, "The Best for Babies" illuminates the behaviors and interactions that teachers or care providers should provide for the children in their care. The book offers an easy-to-use checklist to assess each teacher-child interpersonal relationship and the ways caregivers offer learning and living experiences for young… More »
Image of Beyond Cribs and Rattles Comprehensive Program - 2nd Edition - 2019
Beyond Cribs and Rattles Comprehensive Program - 2nd Edition - 2019
Item: 33636
Status: In Stock
Create intentional developmentally appropriate play experiences for infants and toddlers. Comprehensive program includes: Textbook: Beyond Cribs and Rattles, 2nd Edition (2019) and six downloadable lesson plans & corresponding training videos accessible online: The Grocery Store, Me and My Baby, Going for a Walk, Down on the Farm, Pat-A-Cake, and Baby Bathing.
Image of All About The ECERS-R™ - Book
All About The ECERS-R™ - Book
Item: 46796
Status: In Stock
Step by step instruction on how to design a quality day care environment. Should be used side by side with ECERS-R™, the scale used to develop and quantify quality standards in the USA, Canada and abroad. Includes The How, What and Why for each indicator, seven sub-scale items, step-by-step instructions, and over 700 color photos. 441 pages.
Image of Beyond Cribs and Rattles - 2nd Edition
Beyond Cribs and Rattles - 2nd Edition
Item: 33085
Status: In Stock
This manual provides caregivers of infants and toddlers knowledge about the creating and implementation of loving, playful, developmentally appropriate experiences for infants and toddlers. ISBN 978-088076-794-1.
Image of Focus on Babies: How-tos and What-to-dos when Caring for Infants
Focus on Babies: How-tos and What-to-dos when Caring for Infants
Item: 29009
Status: In Stock
A beginner's primer to providing professional child care for infants! The elements of a quality learning environment are not the same for every age. What works for preschoolers does not always work for toddlers, and what might be appropriate for toddlers is not necessarily the best arrangement for infants. Complete with tips for creating a developmentally appropriate environment and experiences that stimulate infants' muscles and minds, Focus on Babies gives you the tools to craft a quality learning… More »
Image of Serving Spoons - Set of 5
Serving Spoons - Set of 5
Item: 55597
Status: In Stock
Set of five serving spoons include a 2-oz. perforated spoon and 1.5-oz., 2-oz., 3-oz., and 4-oz. solid spoons. Each spoon measures between 7" and 8.25" long.
Image of Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care Second Edition - Paperback
Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care Second Edition - Paperback
Item: 90974
Status: In Stock
The Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS) is the first valid and reliable tool for measuring and improving the overall quality of business and professional practices in family child care settings. It is applicable for multiple uses, including program self-improvement, technical assistance and monitoring, training, research and evaluation, and public awareness. It is currently embedded in many state quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS) across the nation.
Image of Making Toys for Infants & Toddlers
Making Toys for Infants & Toddlers
Item: 10021
Status: In Stock
What do you get when you combine a large appliance box, a garbage bag, tape, a craft knife, and markers? A mini car wash for toddlers, of course! Find more creative ways to use a tube sock, milk carton, and other inexpensive items found around the house. Create unique, exciting toys and props to help children learn in appropriate ways.
Image of Baby Smarts: Games for Playing and Learning
Baby Smarts: Games for Playing and Learning
Item: 87082
Status: In Stock
Filled with developmental games based on the latest brain research. Divided into 4 chapters, each representing a 3 month period. Each chapter has a chart that helps anticipate the development milestone for those months. Games and activities reinforce the skills babies need to reach those milestones. Paperback.
Image of Teaching Infants, Toddlers and Twos with Special Needs
Teaching Infants, Toddlers and Twos with Special Needs
Item: 87090
Status: In Stock
This book has been written for all teachers and directors who work with infants, toddlers, and twos, including special educators and educators working with typically developing children. It specifically addresses the needs of children with developmental delays, as well as those children at risk for developing special needs. Each chapter includes experiences and activities that are common to settings where infants and toddlers learn. The strategies provided are easy to use and apply to all children.… More »
Image of I Love You Rituals Book
I Love You Rituals Book
Item: 10620
Status: In Stock
Seventy-nine interactive activities based on positive messages help children increase their attention spans, reduce hyperactivity, build self esteem, and facilitate language development. The interactions teach children how to be kind and caring using gentle touches. 208 pages.
Image of Things To Do With Toddlers and Twos
Things To Do With Toddlers and Twos
Item: 11028
Status: In Stock
Toddlers explore the world using their senses with over 400 exciting hands-on activities. The suggested activities help children develop cognitive skills, language, sensory awareness, self-image, sociability, imagination, and more. 168 pages.
Image of 50 Fantastic Things to Do with Toddlers
50 Fantastic Things to Do with Toddlers
Item: 27132
Status: In Stock
Explore, inquire, and experiment alongside your toddler using the simple ideas in "50 Fantastic Things to Do with Toddlers". Written specifically for parents, the activities in this book will lead to infectious excitement and enthusiasm for learning! Using objects easily found in most homes, this collection of purposeful play experiences will help toddlers to develop key skills at their own pace and to make unhurried, important discoveries. Each activity in this book features easy-to-follow… More »
Image of 125 Brain Games for Babies - Revised
125 Brain Games for Babies - Revised
Item: 26005
Status: In Stock
Updated to reflect the latest research about how children learn, the revised edition of 125 Brain Games for Babies is a fun-filled collection of ways to develop the brain capacity of infants. Included are everyday opportunities to nurture brain development in the critical period from birth through twelve months. Each game and sensory experience presented includes an annotation on the latest brain research and how the activity promotes brain power in babies. Paperback. 144 pages.
Image of 125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos - Revised
125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos - Revised
Item: 26006
Status: In Stock
A young child's brain grows at a phenomenal rate in the first years of life. Revised and updated to reflect the latest research on how children learn, 125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos is packed with everyday opportunities to contribute to brain development. Each game is accompanied by an annotation on the latest brain research and how the activity promotes brain power in the critical period between twelve and thirty-six months. Paperback. 144 pages.
Image of Story Stretchers - Infants, Toddlers & Twos
Story Stretchers - Infants, Toddlers & Twos
Item: 80888
Status: In Stock
It's never too early to read to a child, especially when you have Story S-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-r-s! The youngest children love the repetition of words and experiences that stories provide. Contains a resource of activities for 80 popular age-appropriate children's books and 240 ways to s-t-r-e-t-c-h the stories in new ways to enhance the learning process. (Books are not included). Children reap amazing benefits from being exposed to reading at an early age, and Story S-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-r-s makes reading… More »
Image of Being With Babies
Being With Babies
Item: 85278
Status: In Stock
Each chapter describes an issue that infants face every day, making this a perfect resource for all infant providers. There are scenarios that illustrate the challenges and suggest solutions to meet baby's needs while learning about the developmental stages. This hands-on resource is for infants 6 weeks to 18 months old and for your resource library.
Image of Simple Steps: Developmental Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Two-Year Olds
Simple Steps: Developmental Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Two-Year Olds
Item: 96430
Status: In Stock
Open the door to teaching infants, toddlers, and two-year-olds successfully with these 300 activities linked to the latest development in child development. Observe what your children are already doing, then give them varied opportunities to develop at their own pace. This book outlines a typical development sequence in ten domains: social/emotional, fine motor, gross motor, language, cognitive, sensory, nature, music and movement, creativity, and dramatic play. Chapters on appropriate curriculum… More »
Image of Beyond Differences and Diagnoses: The Celebration of Inclusion for All Children
Beyond Differences and Diagnoses: The Celebration of Inclusion for All Children
Item: 11254
Status: In Stock
Emphasizes the importance of play in the inclusive classroom. Provides teachers with experiences that will enhance all children's cognitive, social, and emotional development. © 2006
Image of And The Cow Jumped Over The Moon!
And The Cow Jumped Over The Moon!
Item: 60963
Status: In Stock
1 year & up. With more than 250 songs, rhymes, and chants, this book is a fun way to enrich toddlers' language experiences. By incorporating songs, chants, and rhymes into the classroom, teachers provide opportunities for children to develop every aspect of reading readiness and literacy. While the selections themselves are a great way to enhance the development of literacy skills, the follow-up suggestions for story time, outdoor play, music and movement, and literacy extension activities will… More »
Image of First Art for Toddlers and Twos: Open-Ended Art Experiences
First Art for Toddlers and Twos: Open-Ended Art Experiences
Item: 29004
Status: In Stock
Discover the natural curiosity and enthusiasm of toddlers and twos as they explore creative art experiences designed just for them. In this updated, color edition of First Art for Toddlers and Twos, you will find more than seventy-five art experiences, with lots of variations that add to the fun and tips for making the activities run smoothly. There's even a chapter of special adult-made props, such as an Art Baggie Book to display a child's artwork and a Tabletop Easel made from a pizza box to… More »
Image of The Complete Resource Book for Infants
The Complete Resource Book for Infants
Item: 39409
Status: In Stock
Features 700 experiences and activities that are perfect for infants from birth to 18 months and organized by developmental areas which are essential building blocks for development. The appendix is full of songs, rhymes, recipes, sign language, recommended books and family connection resources. 272 pages.