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Learn Every Day® Pre-K Kits

Learn Every Day® Pre-K Kits
Learn Every Day™ Science Kit
Learn Every Day™ Math Kit
Learn Every Day™ Social Emotional Kit
Learn Every Day™ Arts and Social Studies Kit
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Status: In Stock
$499.95 - $576.95
Kaplan Exclusive
Warning: Choking Hazard - Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.

Encourage exploration and discovery with skill kits designed to support the brain-based principles of Learn Every Day: The Pre-K Curriculum, 2nd Ed.

The Learn Every Day program is recommended, but not required, to use these kits. Learn more about the research-based, year-round program that incorporates play into children’s daily learning routines to enhance their growth and development.

For professional development options, call 1-800-334-2014 ext. 3252 or request more information.

Learn Every Day™ Science Kit:

3 - 6 years. Encourage exploration and discovery with this kit. Based on the scientific principles incorporated in Learn Every Day™: The Preschool Curriculum, 2nd Ed., this kit provides tools that make learning about science fun. From healthy foods to the Solar System, these materials will keep children ages 6 and under engaged as they learn about science and the world around them.

Learn Every Day™ Math Kit:

3 - 6 years. Using the manipulatives from this kit, children 6 and under will learn about mathematic principles, including geometry, patterns, and one-to-one correspondence. The components in Learn Every Day™: The Preschool Curriculum, 2nd Ed. kit provides tools such as counters, shapes, and children's literature about math, and encourages interaction and help children explore math concepts.

Learn Every Day™ Social Emotional Kit:

3 - 6 years. As children learn about themselves and establish an identity they grow confidence. This kit established based on Learn Every Day: The Preschool Curriculum, 2nd Ed. provides materials that support children and their social emotional learning and development journey. Children will also learn about other cultures around the world through books, CDs, and posters.

Learn Every Day™ Arts & Social Studies Kit:

3 - 6 years. While engaging with the Learn Every Day™: The Preschool Curriculum, 2nd Ed. kit materials, children will grow their appreciation for the arts and learn about famous artists in history. Additionally, children will read about the world around them while learning about community helpers and careers in their own community and throughout the world.

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