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Special Needs

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Image of Sensory Integration: A Guide for Preschool Teachers
Sensory Integration: A Guide for Preschool Teachers
Item: 84558
Status: In Stock
This resource book offers simple easy-to-use solutions to support sensory needs of preschool children in your classroom. Adaptations and activities are included for Sensory Processing Disorder. Chapters cover concepts such as: Explaining Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing Disorder, Defining sensory avoiders, seekers, and under-responders, Designing the environment to support the sensory development of all children, Helping preschoolers with sensory processing problems, Providing practical… More »
Image of The Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom: Easy Ways to Adapt Learning Centers for All Children
The Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom: Easy Ways to Adapt Learning Centers for All Children
Item: 97695
Status: In Stock
Describes practical ways to adjust centers and classroom routines for children with special needs. Suggestions enable all children to learn by keeping them involved in developmentally appropriate routines and center based activities. Each chapter focuses on either a learning center, such as art or science, or a time of the day, such as snack time or dismissal, with particular attention to the needs of children who are developmentally delayed, orthopedically impaired, have autism/Pervasive Development… More »
Image of Teaching Infants, Toddlers and Twos with Special Needs
Teaching Infants, Toddlers and Twos with Special Needs
Item: 87090
Status: In Stock
This book has been written for all teachers and directors who work with infants, toddlers, and twos, including special educators and educators working with typically developing children. It specifically addresses the needs of children with developmental delays, as well as those children at risk for developing special needs. Each chapter includes experiences and activities that are common to settings where infants and toddlers learn. The strategies provided are easy to use and apply to all children.… More »
Image of Simple Signing with Young Children - Revised
Simple Signing with Young Children - Revised
Item: 92919
Status: In Stock
Because their vocabularies haven't yet caught up with their thoughts and emotions, young children often struggle to communicate. Sign language can help them express themselves effectively to adults and peers--without the emotional outbursts caused by frustration! This book features the latest research to equip educators and caregivers with the tools and resources to teach young learners how to effectively communicate. Paperback. 208 pages.
Image of Teaching Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Teaching Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Item: 72308
Status: In Stock
"Teaching Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder" is a straightforward, easy-to-understand guide to working with children who have autism. It explains the major characteristics associated with autism and helps teachers understand the ways children with autism relate to the world. Each chapter offers specific strategies for teachers to use, including setting up a proactive preschool environment, helping children learn life skills, managing behavior, helping children with autism communicate,… More »
Image of The Out-Of-Sync Child - Paperback
The Out-Of-Sync Child - Paperback
Item: 34094
Status: In Stock
Written by Carol Stock Kranowitz, The Out-Of-Sync Child was the first of its kind to explain SPD - Sensory Processing Disorder - and provide parents a drug-free alternative in helping their children grow and adjust in the world. This is the revised addition, offering new sections on hearing and vision, and how this disorder often appears alongside other conditions.
Image of Many Languages, Building Connections
Many Languages, Building Connections
Item: 29008
Status: In Stock
All infants and toddlers need experiences that nurture, support, and teach their home language and culture. Language is a vital component of early experiences well before a child can say his first word. Infants and toddlers whose families come from diverse backgrounds and speak different languages are appearing in all kinds of early care and learning settings in growing numbers. Even the most experienced caregiver can feel a bit unsure about meeting the unique needs of infants and toddlers from… More »