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Image of Active Play Outdoor Kit for Infants
Active Play Outdoor Kit for Infants
Item: 63111
Status: In Stock
6 months & up. Providing infants with appropriate outdoor experiences supports health and physical development as well as engaging their natural curiosity. Our infant outdoor kit offers learning materials that promote gross motor coordination, cognitive learning, and social interaction skills. Contents: Flashing Ball, Musical Spinning Wheel, Tumble Ball Dome, Stacking Rattle Blocks, Bounce n Roll Ball, Sunny Day Come and Play Cloth Book, Storage Container, and Activity Card(s). Note: Kit components… More »
Image of Turtle Beanbag Set - Set of 6
Turtle Beanbag Set - Set of 6
Item: 43653
Status: In Stock
All ages. Toss these colorful turtles at targets or include them in gross motor games in place of balls or beanbags. Perfect for color recognition and improving motor skills. Their size and weight are ideal for throwing, catching, and tracking. Soft, durable, machine washable vinyl. Set of 6: different colors. Turtles measure 6.25"L. x 5" W.
Image of Baby Smarts: Games for Playing and Learning
Baby Smarts: Games for Playing and Learning
Item: 87082
Status: In Stock
Filled with developmental games based on the latest brain research. Divided into 4 chapters, each representing a 3 month period. Each chapter has a chart that helps anticipate the development milestone for those months. Games and activities reinforce the skills babies need to reach those milestones. Paperback.
Image of 125 Brain Games for Babies - Revised
125 Brain Games for Babies - Revised
Item: 26005
Status: In Stock
Updated to reflect the latest research about how children learn, the revised edition of 125 Brain Games for Babies is a fun-filled collection of ways to develop the brain capacity of infants. Included are everyday opportunities to nurture brain development in the critical period from birth through twelve months. Each game and sensory experience presented includes an annotation on the latest brain research and how the activity promotes brain power in babies. Paperback. 144 pages.
Image of 125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos - Revised
125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos - Revised
Item: 26006
Status: In Stock
A young child's brain grows at a phenomenal rate in the first years of life. Revised and updated to reflect the latest research on how children learn, 125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos is packed with everyday opportunities to contribute to brain development. Each game is accompanied by an annotation on the latest brain research and how the activity promotes brain power in the critical period between twelve and thirty-six months. Paperback. 144 pages.
Image of Fun Baby Learning Games
Fun Baby Learning Games
Item: 90594
Status: In Stock
Parents and caregivers often seek ways to stimulate their little learners, but don't know where to start. While many conveniences have come our way in the digital age, none has made the process of guiding children through their years of growth and development any quicker, easier or less complex. Fun Baby Learning Games brings a new approach to having fun and learning: incorporate theory and research-backed activities in a fun and engaging way, help your infant or toddler nurture his/her skills and… More »
Image of Little Walks, Big Adventures: 50+ Ideas for Exploring with Toddlers
Little Walks, Big Adventures: 50+ Ideas for Exploring with Toddlers
Item: 90586
Status: In Stock
While most activity books encourage indoor explorations, countless adventures and learning opportunities await outside! Going for a walk or exploring the local community can bring about much more than just exercise. Little Walks, Big Adventures helps you teach your toddler about his/her surroundings through fun and adventurous local explorations, outdoor games and activities that promote and enhance learning. Parents and caregivers will help their toddlers enhance their vocabulary, language skills,… More »
Image of Games to Play with Toddlers
Games to Play with Toddlers
Item: 50957
Status: In Stock
This indispensable book helps you develop areas important for the growth of 12 to 24 month-old areas such as language, creativity, coordination, confidence, problem-solving, and gross motor skills. Toddlers will experience the joy of discovery on every fun-filled page! Paperback. 256 pages.
Image of The Encyclopedia of Infant and Toddler Activities, Revised Edition
The Encyclopedia of Infant and Toddler Activities, Revised Edition
Item: 89712
Status: In Stock
With new activities and explorations, tips and information to help you understand how to support the littlest learners, and research nuggets to enhance your own professional knowledge, the Encyclopedia of Infant and Toddler Activities, revised, will be your go-to resource! Activities will help you support curiosity, play, exploration, persistence, emerging foundations in literacy and math, problem solving, and so much more! Paperback. 288 pages.
Image of Games To Play With Babies
Games To Play With Babies
Item: 51046
Status: In Stock
Over 225 fun-filled games for the babies in your care. Games encourage bonding, coordination, motor skills, and more. This book shows providers how to build important developmental skills, stimulating activities to nurture and build self-confidence, coordination, social skills, and much more. Paperback. 286 pages.
Image of Games to Play with Two Year Olds, Revised
Games to Play with Two Year Olds, Revised
Item: 80426
Status: In Stock
This resource book is packed with opportunities to build confidence and to enhance language, coordination, social interactions, and problem-solving skills. A must-have for anyone caring for a child between the ages of two and three. Turn ordinary, everyday routines into fun learning experiences! 256 pages.