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Curriculum & Assessment

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Image of Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever - Preschool, 2nd Edition - Set of 20
Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever - Preschool, 2nd Edition - Set of 20
Item: 26173P
Status: In Stock
These guides offer families simple strategies to support young children's healthy social and emotional development. Filled with suggestions of everyday activities that families can enjoy together and promote three key protective factors: initiative, self-regulation, and attachment/relationships. Booklets (40 pages) are available in English or Spanish in sets of 20. Copyright 2013.
Image of e-DECA Assessment & Planning System 2.0
e-DECA Assessment & Planning System 2.0
Item: 16701P
Status: In Stock
$1.00 - $299.95
E-DECA is the web-based application in which all Devereux Early Childhood Assessments can be entered online by both teachers and parents. The e-DECA completes all scoring, generates reports, suggests research-based strategies for both school and home settings, and stores your data in a secure database. Select to receive research-based strategies that support the Conscious Discipline methodology OR that align with the Head Start Learning Outcomes Framework. Features: score record forms quickly and… More »
Image of Nemours® Reading BrightStart! The Complete Program for Early Literacy Success, Level 1
Nemours® Reading BrightStart! The Complete Program for Early Literacy Success, Level 1
Item: 19721P
Status: In Stock
$3.95 - $1,099.95
The Nemours® Reading BrightStart! Complete Program for Early Literacy Success puts teachers on the cutting edge of early literacy best practices with an exciting new approach to building reading readiness skills in struggling learners. This unique program is specifically designed for teaching early literacy skills to small groups of at-risk four- and five-year-old children, but is an effective teaching tool for all children in that age range. This exciting program implements Response to Intervention… More »
Image of Nemours® Reading BrightStart! The Complete Program for Early Literacy Success, Level 2
Nemours® Reading BrightStart! The Complete Program for Early Literacy Success, Level 2
Item: 29962P
Status: In Stock
$324.95 - $1,759.95
The Nemours® Reading BrightStart! Complete Program for Early Literacy Success, Level 2 is an intensive and engaging supplemental curriculum specifically designed to teach foundational reading skills to beginning readers, especially those who are struggling with early literacy concepts. The Level 2 program guides beginning readers towards mastery of foundational reading skills without fear of failure. This exciting program implements Response to Intervention (RTI) in K-1 classrooms and is the… More »
Image of DECA-P2 Record Forms
DECA-P2 Record Forms
Item: 29025P
Status: In Stock
The DECA-P2 Record Forms are strength-based, nationally standardized, reliable, valid, and easy-to-use! These sets includes 40 assessment forms and a pad of 40 individual child profile forms. Sets available in English or Spanish.
Image of Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers (Strategy Guide), 2nd Edition
Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers (Strategy Guide), 2nd Edition
Item: 29021
Status: In Stock
This strategy guide for early childhood professionals includes hundreds of research-based strategies and tips to strengthen young children's initiative, self-regulation, and attachment/relationships. The strategies incorporate developmentally appropriate teaching practices in five areas related to social and emotional health: Daily Routines; Environment; Caring Connections; Activities and Experiences; Partnerships between Teachers and Families. It takes readers through a simple five-step approach… More »
Image of 10 Best Practices for Developing Book Experiences for Dual Language Learners
10 Best Practices for Developing Book Experiences for Dual Language Learners
Item: 27867
Status: In Stock
The strategies in this guide are based on stages of language learning and include ways to differentiate instruction, engage children in higher-level thinking, strengthen their use of newly learned language, and support their language progression and development.
Image of Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Preschool Program, 2nd Edition (DECA-P2)
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Preschool Program, 2nd Edition (DECA-P2)
Item: 29026
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA) Preschool Program, 2nd Edition, is a strength-based assessment and planning system designed to promote resilience in children ages 3 through 5. The kit includes the nationally standardized, strength-based assessment (DECA-P2), along with strategy guides for early childhood educators and families. The DECA-P2 Preschool Program kit includes: DECA-P2 Record Forms (set of 40); DECA-P2 User's Guide and Technical Manual; Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers:… More »
Image of Nemours® Reading BrightStart! Milestone Map - Set of 20
Nemours® Reading BrightStart! Milestone Map - Set of 20
Item: 26662P
Status: In Stock
This full-color illustrated poster addresses parents' and teachers' concerns about children's reading readiness and progress. Includes milestones and warning signs indicating that children might be at risk for reading challenges from birth through age six. By tracking children with this simple map, parents can be sure their children are keeping up with their peers, and intercede if they begin to notice warning signs. Available in English and Spanish. Set of 20 maps.
Image of Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical - DECA-C - Kit
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical - DECA-C - Kit
Item: 98817
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical Form (DECA-C) is designed to be used by early childhood mental health consultants and other mental health professionals with select children, ages 2 through 5, who are already showing significant behavioral concerns. The DECA-C is a 62-item scale that can be completed by either teachers or parents in about 15 minutes. The DECA-C contains all of the strength-based resilience items and scales found on the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers,… More »
Image of Nemours® Reading BrightStart! A Parent's Guide to Reading Readiness - Set of 20
Nemours® Reading BrightStart! A Parent's Guide to Reading Readiness - Set of 20
Item: 29049P
Status: In Stock
Learning to read is one of the major milestones in a child's life, and it's one that parents worry about. This guide gives parents information on how to support their child on his or her reading journey. Now parents of children, aged three to five years old, have the power to ensure their child becomes a successful reader. Available in English and Spanish. Set of 20 guides.
Image of DESSA Norms Reference Card
DESSA Norms Reference Card
Item: 16143
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) is a 72-item, standardized,norm-referenced behavior rating scale that assesses the social-emotional competencies that serve as protective factors for children in kindergarten through the eighth grade. Standard scores can be used to calibrate each child's competence in each of the eight dimensions and guide school/program-wide, classwide, and individual strategies to promote those competencies. Nationally normed on 2,500 children, the DESSA continues… More »