What? We’re introducing the Building Your Bounce Professional Development Learning Series, which consists of three 30-minute facilitated videos, handouts for participants, and a facilitator’s guide.
For Who? Teachers, parents, and anyone who cares for children.
By Who? Dr. Nefertiti Bruce Poyner is your guide throughout the series.
Where? License the Professional Development Series for your program so you can share it with your staff and parents, anywhere and anytime.
Why? To provide teachers and parents with the resilience they need to give it their all when caring for children.
In our brand new Building Your Bounce Professional Development Learning series, the Devereux Center for Resilient Children takes advantage of technology in order to deliver a reflective learning experience designed to promote adult resilience. Complete with interactive elements, Nefertiti B. Poyner, co-author of the resource Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You, guides participants through reflective activities and life application exercises. The goal is to provide participants with an opportunity to self-reflect on their own well-being and then take action to better support their resilience. If you work with parents, this series will be great for you as well! There are many benefits to an online approach, some of which include:
This professional development opportunity offers a cost effective and flexible way to share the message of resilience with your staff!
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