Foster a love of reading with your friends from Between the Lions®!
Children and parents love Between the Lions, an award-winning public television series that celebrates the joy of reading and offers a playful approach to introducing key literacy skills. What Does a Lion Say? builds on the appeal and literacy focus of Between the Lions.
With on-the-go games that are perfect for busy lifestyles, this book is filled with fun and easy literacy games for you to play with your children any time, anywhere. Children will love learning along with their favorite characters, whether in the car or at the doctor’s office, at home, or on a trip. These games introduce the world of letters and reading, while building skills all children need for a lifetime of learning.
With alphabet games like “License Plate Lingo,” writing games like “Au-Toe-Graph,” and describing games like “Silly Scenarios,” What Does a Lion Say? helps parents make the most of playful, everyday moments with their children.
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