LAP™ Horse Illustration Pad
The Learning Accomplishment Profile - Third Edition (LAP-3) is a criterion-referenced assessment instrument for the 36-72 month age range, measuring development in the domains of gross motor, fine motor, pre-writing, cognitive, language, self-help, and personal/social. It is a re-examination of the contents and organization of the LAP-R which incorporates recent research, especially related to language and literacy and assimilates recent changes in the general population of young children. Its on-going observation format allows teachers and/or clinicians to record a child's progress and introduce appropriate activities to support acquired and emerging skills.
Chapel Hill Training Outreach (CHTOP) was established in 1969 with funding from the Federal government as part of our nation's earliest attempts to provide educational services to young children with disabilities. Under the direction of Anne R. Sanford, who was the founder of CHTOP, the strategies and materials developed by CHTOP during these early years became known as the Chapel Hill Model. The Model included assessment instruments, curricula, and strategies for parent involvement and family-centered programming. In 1983, the Chapel Hill Model was validated unanimously for "exemplary program status" by the U.S. Department of Education's Joint Dissemination Review Panel (JDRP). Recently the Chapel Hill Model was renamed The LAP System.
Mike Mathers has been director of CHTOP since Anne Sanford retired in 1990. "One of the favorite things about my job," Mike says, "is that sometimes I get to travel to exotic places and train on early childhood." In this photo, Mike is leading a group of elementary school principals in Islamabad, Pakistan
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