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Fun with Math Books - Set of 6

Fun with Math Books - Set of 6
Fun with Math Books - Set of 6Alternate Image #2 of Fun with Math Books - Set of 6 Alternate Image #3 of Fun with Math Books - Set of 6 Alternate Image #4 of Fun with Math Books - Set of 6 Alternate Image #5 of Fun with Math Books - Set of 6 Alternate Image #6 of Fun with Math Books - Set of 6 Alternate Image #7 of Fun with Math Books - Set of 6
Item: 60732
Status: In Stock

3 years & up. These books offer engaging stories and illustrations that make learning math enjoyable and accessible for preschool-age children. Through these books, preschoolers will develop foundational math skills such as counting, comparing, and measuring by examining oranges, fish, and other familiar items. These books will stimulate and captivate young learners while also making it easier for adults to introduce them to math. Young children are introduced to measurement concepts, of length and sizes of different objects. Powerful illustrations and easy text are sure to stimulate young learners who will want to look at these books again and again. Components may vary. Set of 6.

Product Features

  • Fun with math book sets introduces preschoolers to basic math concepts, such as counting, addition and subtraction through each engaging theme
  • Reinforces Visual Literacy as illustrations portray the animals, fish and more that appear on the pages and in the story
  • Introduces preschoolers to basic math concepts such as addition and subtraction
  • Teaches children about counting with bedtime, fish, oranges, and tractors
  • 3 Years and Up

Great Books

4 stars
Good selection of books! My students love them:) I only wish there were more in the pack!

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