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Image of Blue-Bot Programmable Floor Robot with Bluetooth®
Blue-Bot Programmable Floor Robot with Bluetooth®
Item: 55563
Status: In Stock
3 years & up. The Blue-Bot is a programmable floor robot that is ideal for teaching control, directional language, and programming to children. It has a sturdy, small design with clear and bright buttons and a memory of up to 40 steps. Sounds and flashing eyes confirm your instructions. When Blue-Bot comes across another Blue-Bot or Bee-Bot® it will stop and say hello with a fun little sound. Provides an exciting way to introduce sequencing and can be used for individual or collaborative… More »
Image of Bee-Bot® Starter Pack
Bee-Bot® Starter Pack
Item: 62968
Status: In Stock
3 years & up. Use this Bee-Bot® Starter Pack as an exciting way to introduce sequencing to children. This set has a range of materials guaranteed to keep you busy for hours, planning routes and courses and creating your own mat designs. Includes: 1 rechargeable Bee-Bot®, 4 activity mats (Treasure Island mat, 2 transparent grid mats, and Busy Street mat), 49 sequence cards, and a USB cord to recharge the Bee-Bot® on any computer. One-year warranty.