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Fine Motor

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Image of Interactive Rainbow Activity Wall Panels
Interactive Rainbow Activity Wall Panels
Item: 300366
Status: In Stock
Featuring a multi-sensory experience, the Interactive Rainbow Activity Wall Panels include 10 different activities to help develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and descriptive language. These busy boards are tested to the highest consumer standards. All 5 panels include fixing holes and attachment screw for easy assembly. Rainbow Wall Panels feature the following activities; interlocking cogs, weather wheel. bead wheel, thermometer slider, season wheel, shape puzzle, wire bead maze with… More »
Image of Growing and Developing Activity Kit - 25-36 months
Growing and Developing Activity Kit - 25-36 months
Item: 63477
Status: In Stock
25 - 36 months. This comprehensive kit contains a variety of learning materials that will engage young learners and offer growth and development in the areas of fine motor, blocks, gross motor, cognition, music, and dramatic play. Activity card(s) included.