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Devereux Assessments (DECA, DESSA)

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Image of Your Journey Together Resilience-Building Parenting Curriculum
Your Journey Together Resilience-Building Parenting Curriculum
Item: 74489
Status: In Stock
Your Journey Together (YJT) is a strength-based curriculum designed to promote the social and emotional well-being and resilience of vulnerable children and their families. It focuses on empowering parents to promote safe, trusting and healing environments - all key elements of a trauma-sensitive program. While this resilience-building parenting curriculum is designed for families with young children (infants, toddlers, preschoolers) many of the concepts apply to families with children of all… More »
Image of DECA-C Manual
DECA-C Manual
Item: 98814
Status: In Stock
Authored by Paul A. LeBuffe and Jack A. Naglieri, this manual provides essential information on the development, administration, scoring, interpretations, and utilizations of DECA-C results in assessment, eligibility determinations, intervention planning and outcome evaluation. Chapters: Introduction; Development and Standardization; Psychometric Properties; Administration and Scoring; Interpretation; The Use of the DECA and DECA-C within the Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Model. Copyright… More »
Image of DESSA Record Forms - Set of 25
DESSA Record Forms - Set of 25
Item: 27955
Status: In Stock
Grades K-8. The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) is a behavior rating scale that assesses skills related to social-emotional competence, resilience, and academic success. It is designed to be completed by parents, teachers, and after school staff. The DESSA Record Forms are hand-scorable. One set contains 25 paper record forms.
Image of DESSA-mini Progress Monitoring Form
DESSA-mini Progress Monitoring Form
Item: 27960
Status: In Stock
Pad of (25) 8-item form.
Image of DESSA Norms Reference Card
DESSA Norms Reference Card
Item: 16143
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) is a 72-item, standardized,norm-referenced behavior rating scale that assesses the social-emotional competencies that serve as protective factors for children in kindergarten through the eighth grade. Standard scores can be used to calibrate each child's competence in each of the eight dimensions and guide school/program-wide, classwide, and individual strategies to promote those competencies. Nationally normed on 2,500 children, the DESSA continues… More »