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Tossing & Throwing

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Image of Track and Field Kit - 24 Pieces
Track and Field Kit - 24 Pieces
Item: 63020
Status: In Stock
4 years & up. These track and field activities are sure to get children excited while enriching gross motor development. Builds coordination, balance, muscle strength, and control. Kit includes 6-8"H Return-To-Right hurdles, foam discus set, baton set, and foam shot put set.
Image of Kaplan Gross Motor Skills Kit
Kaplan Gross Motor Skills Kit
Item: 12395
Status: Temporarily Out of Stock
3 years & up. Take the fun outside with this exciting gross motor kit. This kit includes 12 sturdy 24 inch hoops, 6 rubber playground balls, 6 rhythm ribbons, 6 super 8' speed ropes,10 numbered bean bags, 4 sidewalk chalks, 8 juggling balls and 5 foam sport balls. Children can play soccer, kickball, football, beanbag toss, and more! This kit promotes gross motor skills, fine motor skills, balance, hand-eye coordination, color recognition, math skills, creativity, and collaborative play. Activity… More »