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Crayola® Colors of the World 24-Count Markers - Set of 4

Crayola® Colors of the World 24-Count Markers - Set of 4
Crayola® Colors of the World 24-Count Markers - Set of 4Alternate Image #2 of Crayola® Colors of the World 24-Count Markers - Set of 4 Alternate Image #3 of Crayola® Colors of the World 24-Count Markers - Set of 4 Alternate Image #4 of Crayola® Colors of the World 24-Count Markers - Set of 4
Item: 36695
Status: In Stock

3 years & up. The Crayola® Colors of the World markers were created with 24 unique shades to represent people from all over the globe. These markers allow children to create themselves, family and friends exactly as they see them. Set of 4. 24 colors per box.


4 stars
Got them a while ago and the kids love using them. I love that there are a so many different shades.

Kids really love these

5 stars
Kids always ask for markers that match their skin tone. These have a limited range but they are still the best quality item for what kids ask for.

Great diversity

5 stars
My students were able to use these for when they are drawing themselves and others. They match them with skin colors.

I love the brightness of the colors.

5 stars
i brought this about a week ago and was suprise that they made colors for peolpe of color which is great.

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